Author Archives: Stan H. Freeman

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Can a Jaywalking Pedestrian Seek Compensation…

If you live in California, you likely seek more than one jaywalker every day whether you are walking…

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Can a Car With In-Vehicle Tech…

Distracted Driving Car accidents are traumatic, and more so when they literally come out of nowhere and completely…

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Liability in Weather-Related Car Accidents

There are a lot of factors that can cause a car accident. It could be because a driver…

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Burns as the Result of a…

Every day thousands of people put their hair and more in the hands of a professional hair stylist…

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You Have a Strong Case, But…

You don’t have to be educated in the law to know what makes a strong accident case. If…

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Advice on Avoiding The Most Common…

Although we are a law firm that represents those hurt in accidents, we certainly never want to see…

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Can Wrongful Death Occur in the…

When we think if wrongful death in a medical setting, typically we think of mistakes made in the…

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Bus Injuries As a Result From…

Not all injuries on a bus occur from a random accident. In fact, bus travel is a relatively…

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Can an Animal Rescue Be Liable…

When it comes to the city or state-run animal control, their business is to take dangerous animals off…

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Seeking a Personal Injury Suit on…

All parents never hope they have an injured child. It doesn’t matter the injury either. If they fall…

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