Author Archives: Stan H. Freeman

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Can Non-Family File a Wrongful Death…

In most cases of wrongful death, it is the family that is left behind that will pursue justice…

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What to Expect From a Free…

When seeking a lawyer for any case, particularly a personal injury case, you will find that they offer…

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Who is Responsible for Accidents with…

At one point, every single driver that travels the road was a learning student. They learned the rules…

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Safety: One Key to Avoiding a…

If you are a motorcyclist, you likely know that you have to take even more precautions on the…

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Who is at Fault in a…

Almost everyone has jaywalked at some point in their life. Maybe at first, you are very diligent about…

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Are You Liable if Someone Trespass…

Pools are a great thing to enjoy when it starts heating up out there. You can enjoy them…

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Is There Liability for Stray Dog…

Often when a person is bitten by a dog, the owner of the dog is held liable for…

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Who is Liable if a Bicyclist…

Riding your bicycle in a city is filled with many dangers. Many drivers do not yet know how…

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Who Can File for a Wrongful…

Losing a loved one is an emotional experience and a traumatic event that can change everything, especially if…

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Truck Accidents: Let The Professionals Handle…

Protect Yourself From The Dangers Of The Road Deteriorating road conditions. Road rage. Drivers under the influence. And…

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