Author Archives: Stan H. Freeman

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Things Drivers Do that Often Lead…

When you are out on the road, there are a lot of hazard that you have to watch…

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How Do You Know if You…

How do you know if a product defect caused your injuries if it’s not one of those product…

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Product Liability Update for Parents: Watch…

At one time, parents were strongly encouraged to purchase baby gates to improve their homes’ safety. However, studies,…

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Injured by Faulty Pellet Stoves and…

Every heating season, millions of Americans put themselves and others at risk. The National Fire Protection Association reports…

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Your Premises Liability Case Isn’t as…

When a slip-and-fall or other occurrence on someone’s property causes you injuries, don’t expect the owner to step…

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Auto Racing Headlines Draw Attention to…

Auto racing has long enjoyed a cherished place in American culture. And although events often end positively, there…

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Minimum Auto Insurance Requirements in California

Motorists in California are required under the law to maintain minimum auto insurance coverage. Broadly, these are the…

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Safety Tips for Waterskiing and Wake…

This summer, thousands of Californians will head to the water for boating, water skiing and wake boarding. These…

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Do I Need a Lawyer when…

It may be tempting to proceed with negotiating with the insurance company on your own because your injuries…

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Banning Dog Breeds May Not Help…

Several California cities are experimenting with banning specific breeds of dogs like Rottweilers, to reduce the risk of…

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