Personal Injury Accidents: Do I Need a Lawyer?

You were in an accident and you hurt yourself. Suddenly you wonder if that accident gives you the right to legal representation. Technically, you always have the right to legal representation, but you don’t always need it. If your accident merits a band-aid or an ice pack, you probably don’t have a good personal injury case. However, if your injury from the accident merited any sort of medical attention, you may have a case to have the persons responsible cover your medical bills.

What do Personal Injury Lawyers Do?

A personal injury lawyer will represent your rights throughout your case proceedings to make sure you are fairly compensated for any damages you experienced in the accident. Essentially, they eliminate the stress of a personal injury case, and seek compensation for:

  • Medical Treatment
  • Income Loss
  • Property Loss – This could be clothing, vehicles, or any substantial property that was destroyed due to the accident.
  • Pain & Suffering
  • Emotional Distress
  • Loss of Enjoyment – If the injury prevented you from pursuing daily hobbies.
  • Loss of Consortium – If the injury impeded your relationship with your spouse.

Depending on the severity of the injury, compensation for any or all of the above can be sought with the help of your personal injury lawyer. If you have suffered an accident in the Los Angeles area that resulted in the injury of yourself or a loved one, you may have legal representation available to you. Contact Freeman & Freeman law offices today to see if we may be able to help you get the compensation you deserve.

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