Understanding The Complexities Of A Traumatic Brain Injury Lawsuit

If you or someone you love has suffered from a traumatic brain injury, you know how difficult they can make a life. Lawsuits for one of these injuries can be complex and difficult to understand, but they may help you get the money necessary for a full recovery.

Recovery Is Possible But Difficult

There are three main types of traumatic brain injuries: mild, moderate, and severe. Mild injuries make up about 80 percent of all injuries. These typically cause some physical and cognitive changes. Most people will recover from them within six months, but as many as 15 percent may suffer from long-term problems.

Moderate and severe injuries are typically a long-term or even permanent problem. They can severely decrease a person’s physical and cognitive skills. In fact, it may even be necessary for a person to get some form of care for the rest of their lives. Pursuing a lawsuit in this instance may help a person get the money they need to recover.

The Complications Of A Lawsuit

That said, filing a lawsuit for a brain injury suffered at work can be difficult. It is necessary to prove that the employer committed a form of negligence or an intentional wrong.

For example, if they neglected to provide a job site with an adequate number of hard hats and this led directly to the brain injury, a lawsuit may be pursued.

It is also necessary to prove that the person suffered a brain injury and that the injury was not a pre-existing one. Doing so can be difficult.

However, if you are successful, you can receive damages as diverse as medical expenses, pain and suffering, rehabilitation services, property damage, income, and diminished earning capacity.

Please contact us today if you need help with one of these difficult and traumatic lawsuits.

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